Claim Your $19 Functional Medicine New Patient Consultation! Call 719-888-3285
We Help Patients All Over The Country With Telemedicine Functional Medicine
Discover How Telemedicine Functional Medicine Can Transform Your Health And Quality Of Life
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Offer Not Available To Medicare Or Medicaid Patients. 
What Is Functional Medicine, 
And How Could It Help You?
Thrive Health Systems uses Functional Medicine as an approach to address Chronic, mainstream problems at the root cause.

We do not prescribe medication, nor do we try to just treat symptoms. Instead, we look for the underlying cause of a problem through advanced blood test diagnostics, and then seek to address the issue through a nutraceutical and lifestyle approach. When that is done well, the symptoms tend to take care of themselves.

Call Now For The $19 New Patient Functional Medicine Consultation 
Functional Medicine is one of the most exciting areas of development at our clinic. With it, we have been able to help patients successfully address their cardiac inflammation, blood sugar issues, thyroid problems, immune dysfunction, and other issues with an all-natural approach that helps the body heal and correct itself.
woman receiving chiropractic care
Frequently-Asked Questions 
About Functional Medicine
QUESTION: What Does Functional Medicine Focus On?
ANSWER: Gut Permeability And Related Issues
In our practice, we have found gut permeability to be the driver of all sorts of problems, including auto-immune issues, metabolic issues, inflammation issues, and heart health issues.  

Here's how that works:
leaky gut
The gut lining is only one cell-layer thick.  Each cell is connected by a "tight junction". These tight junctions are critical, as they keep what is in the digestive tract out of the rest of the body, and vice versa.  If these tight junctions become compromised, then it means that substances which should be eliminated with our stool such as bacteria, viruses, or components of food which haven't been completely digested, can gain access to our blood stream.  Over time, that will stimulate an immune  response, and the body will begin fighting itself, as foreign matter is being chronically allowed to exit the gut and wreak havoc on the body.  

The solution? Lower the immune response the body has mounted, decrease the inflammation, and heal the gut lining.  When that happens, the tight junctions are back to doing their job, and the body's immune system is no longer being triggered.
QUESTION: Do I Need To Visit Your Clinic?
ANSWER: No, We Can Help With Telemedicine
We do have two clinics located in beautiful Colorado Springs and one in Denver, however we can utilize Functional Medicine in a Telemedicine Format. We conduct consultations over the phone or online video meetings, and drop-ship all needed tests and supplies to your doorstep.  It's a convenient model that allows us to serve patients all over the world.
QUESTION: Is There Any Actual Proof That Functional Medicine Works?
ANSWER: Absolutely
We published over 40 individual Case Studies that demonstrate the kind of work we do. Many of these were 100% Functional Medicine. You can review those Case Studies here.

Other research has been published by the Cleveland Clinic, and on NIH here, here, and here.
QUESTION: Is Functional Medicine Covered By Insurance?
ANSWER: Sadly, No
There are a few different reasons for this, but one of the primary reasons is that Functional Medicine is not yet recognized as a "treatment" for anything, but is instead classified by insurance companies as "preventative" in nature, and insurance does not cover anything considered "preventative". Therefore, our Functional Medicine services are cash-pay.  
QUESTION: What Will My New Patient Consultation Look Like?
ANSWER: It Should Be A Wonderful Experience
You'll meet with one of our Functional Medicine Patient Advocates, who will discuss your health challenges, understand your case history, and present that information to the clinical team for recommendations.  They will help you define your goals, understand what the Functional Medicine process entails, and discuss how a Functional Medicine solution might look for you. 
Our Process For Functional Medicine
Equipped with state of the art facilities, our team of doctors, personal trainers, massage therapists, and other healthcare practitioners can truly help you THRIVE. The sad reality is that today, there are millions of people who believe that a life of "pain and disease management" is their only option. We've shown that with the right team and the right strategy, someone can get their life back!
The THRIVE Way To Health
We Connect On The Phone Or A Video  Meeting, And Conduct A Thorough Consultation And Review Your Case
We Conduct Testing To Answer The "Why" Question - Why Do You Have A Problem? And What's The Root Cause Of That Problem?
Develop A Strategy To Address The "Why" - Implement To Get Results!
Our Clinical Team

Our Providers, all based in Colorado, are all versed in Functional Medicine, and have collectively helped thousands of patients address issues like those listed below...

Conditions We Have Addressed With Functional Medicine
Our Doctors Have Experience In Addressing The Following Issues

Hashimotos Thyroiditis
Lyme Disease
Celiac Disease
Ulcerative Colitis
Crohn's Disease
Multiple Sclerosis
Blood Sugar Issues
Metabolic Syndrome
Cardiovascular Disorders
Lyme Disease
Restless Leg Syndrome
And More...

Claim Your $19 Telemedicine Functional Medicine New Patient Consultation Now
Schedule Your Exam & Consultation
How Does Telemedicine Work?
Our team is proficient in working with patients at a distance.  Through video or telephone conferences, we help you address your issues without the hassle and inconvenience of coming into our office.  

Any lab tests needed are able to be drawn at a local lab convenient to your location.   Anything you need for treatment, we are able to have shipped directly to your home.  

Our mission is to help those in need with the most effective, cutting edge 
Our Facilities
State-Of-The-Art Facilities That We Practice In Every Day.  We Can Support You With Telemedicine, Or You Are Welcome To Visit
Thrive Health Systems
5410 Powers Center Pointe
Suite 100
Colorado Springs, CO 80920
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$19 New Patient Functional Medicine Consultation
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Offer Not Available To Medicare Or Medicaid Patients
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