Call Now For Denver Decompression Treatments - 720-924-4407
Spinal Decompression Therapy
"I got my life back"
smiling woman
"This helped my back pain and bulging disc more than anything"
*Results Will Vary.  Please see our Medical Disclaimer Below
Claim One Spinal Decompression Treatment For Only $19!
Offer Not Available To Medicare Or Medicaid Patients. We proudly Accept Medicare In Our Office.
If You're Suffering From Back Or Neck Pain, Spinal Decompression May Be The Key To Help You Get Out Of Pain And Get Your Life Back
spinal decompression treatments
What Is Spinal Decompression Therapy, And How Does It Work?
Denver spinal decompression is, in our experience, the most effective non-surgical procedure for a herniated disc injury and Sciatica. 

If you are suffering from a herniated disc, you are likely suffering needlessly. Spinal decompression "decompresses" the vertebra of the spine and creates space between the vertebra for the disc to move back into place. 

Often patients come to us after first trying over-the-counter meds, prescription meds, injections, physical therapy, chiropractic, massage, at-home infomercial gadgets, stretching, inversion tables, failed surgeries, and more. 

We've seen amazing results with just one treatment; however, it often requires a series of treatments from 8-35. Patients have come in on crutches, having not worked for 3 years, and we have gotten them back to work in three months. Some patients haven't been able to feel their legs (either leg) when they first come in, and we've gotten them pain, numbness, and tingling-free. 

We consider this machine an essential part to our practice, because it helps patients when so many other therapies cannot. 
decompression before after 1
DECOMPRESSION before after 2
*Results will vary.  Please see our medical disclaimer below.
Claim One Spinal Decompression Treatment For Only $19!
Our Process Of Spinal Decompression
Step 1

Check In For Your Appointment 
check in
Step 2

Enjoy A Pain-Free, Relaxing Decompression Treatment
decompression table treatment
Step 3

Get Results, And Enjoy A Healthy, Active Life!
healthy living
WARNING: Back Pain Injuries Rarely Resolve On Their Own. 
They Need Attention And Treatment To Heal
Some things in life can be ignored, and they will improve on their own. Unfortunately, back pain is usually not one of those things.

Back pain is a sign - a symptom - of dysfunction in your body. Your body was not designed to be in pain, your body was designed to heal, be functional, and pain-free.  If you have pain, your body is trying to tell you that something is wrong and needs attention.

Think of your body like a car. Your car cannot talk to you and tell you that something is wrong, but it CAN give you a signal. In most cars, the signal for dysfunction is the check engine light.

If the check engine light came on in your car, what would you do?

If you valued your car, you would find out why the check engine light was on, and fix it.  You would do that, because you know if you ignore the check engine light, whatever problem caused it to go on isn't going to go away on its own.  

The problem is NOT the check engine light.  The problem is whatever CAUSED the check engine light to come on.  Makes sense, right?

For some reason, many people value their cars more than their body.  Their "check engine" light comes on (meaning, they start to experience some sort of pain), and instead of fixing the problem, they take medication or just ignore the pain altogether.  Either way, whatever caused the pain doesn't get fixed. So what happens? It gets worse.

Some people ignore it until the entire engine just stops working. And unfortunately, there aren't many options at that point.  
If You Are In Pain, Your Body Is Trying To Tell You This:
check engine
Will You Ignore It? Or Will You Fix It?
You can always buy a new car.  

You only get one body.

Act now. Get Spinal Decompression, get out of pain, and get your body back to health.  Or call us today at 720-924-4407 for a complimentary consultation. You have nothing to lose but the pain.

dr cameron nyman
"Let Me Help You Get Pain-Free With Spinal Decompression!"
Call Now - 720-924-4407
Claim One Spinal Decompression Treatment For Only $19!
Come Visit Us Today 
Let's Get You Pain-Free
Thrive Health Systems
5310 Ward Rd, Ste 106
Arvada, CO 80002
Offer Not Available To Medicare Or Medicaid Patients. We proudly Accept Medicare In Our Office.
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